Milestones Review
Review Games are Down Temporarily
Over the past several years thousands of users have enjoyed the interactive review games on this site. Unfortunately, the site ( that I used to create and host those interactive games has shut down. As a result, all of the games on my site currently do not work. I am working on a solution, and hopefully review games will return in the near future. The picture shown below is the message on the Zondle homepage.
What's Here?I have attempted to accumulate questions on each of the standards as I have taught them this year. Hopefully I can continue to add various reviews over time. You may use these review games to your heart's content. I hope you enjoy reviewing.
Social Studies Review Games |
Use With Caution!!!I think it is a poor idea to simply cram for a test. As you use the quizzes it should give you an idea of how well you have mastered basic 5th grade content. Simply memorizing answers to questions though will not prepare you to be successful in science or in life. It is important to do well on the Milestones Assessment so you can get placed in better classes in middle school, but I recommend actually reviewing the material on the content pages and not just cramming with review questions.
Science Review Games |
Getting Ready for CRCT
Here are the videos my class made in preparation for the big, bad CRCT the past couple of years. Enjoy!