Physical vs. Chemical Changes Milestones Review
S5P2. Students will explain the difference between a physical change and a chemical change.
a. Investigate physical changes by separating mixtures and manipulating (cutting, tearing, folding) paper to demonstrate examples of physical change.
b. Recognize that the changes in state of water (water vapor/steam,liquid,ice) are due to temperature differences and are examples of physical change.
c. Investigate the properties of a substance before, during, and after a chemical reaction to find evidence of change.
a. Investigate physical changes by separating mixtures and manipulating (cutting, tearing, folding) paper to demonstrate examples of physical change.
b. Recognize that the changes in state of water (water vapor/steam,liquid,ice) are due to temperature differences and are examples of physical change.
c. Investigate the properties of a substance before, during, and after a chemical reaction to find evidence of change.
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