Bad Microorganisms
S5L4 Students will relate how microorganisms benefit or harm larger organisms.
a. Identify beneficial microorganisms and explain why they are beneficial.
b. Identify harmful microorganisms and explain why they are harmful.
a. Identify beneficial microorganisms and explain why they are beneficial.
b. Identify harmful microorganisms and explain why they are harmful.
Microorganisms in the NewsBacteria Multiply Check out below to learn about good and bad bacteria. This first video is one of my all time favorites to show how germs (bad bacteria) are easily spread. It also shows how bacteria multiply. also gives a very good explanation of what germs are and how you can keep yourself healthy. Janitorial Cleaning Services also does a great job explaining the importance of hand washing. You can check out their site here.
Mythbusters Sneeze TestOne of my all time favorite shows, Mythbusters, scientifically tests different ways of preventing the spread of bacteria when sneezing.
Flu VirusesThis microorganism is definitely in the bad category. Influenza, or the flu, has cause millions of deaths. So how does the flu work? Watch and learn my friend.
VaccinationsWhen you learn about viruses, it can be scary to learn that millions of people have died from influenza. Fortunately, science has improved and vaccinations have been created to fight viruses that could otherwise turn deadly. Here is a short explanation of vaccines.
What's Wrong with Vaccines?Recently, people have begun to fear that vaccines can actually cause children to have more problems--mainly increase their chances of being autistic. This misbelief was started by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who has since had his license to practice medicine revoked or taken away. I recently stumbled across the video below urging parents to keep their kids safe and get them immunized. (Disclaimer: Their is one line that used inappropriate language.) The danger to society if many parents don't get their kids immunized, is that dangerous diseases that were almost dead could return.
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