Seismological Studies
S5E1 Students will identify surface features of the Earth caused by constructive and destructive processes.
c. Relate the role of technology and human intervention in the control of constructive and destructive processes.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Seismological Studies
SeismographA seismograph is used to measure the movement of the ground during an earthquake.
Richter ScaleScientists use the information provided by a seismograph to determine the severity of an earthquake. The Richter Scale scores earthquakes from 1 to 10 depending on the amount of movement that the earthquake causes. Every whole number on the scale represents the earthquake being ten times bigger. For example, a 5.0 on the Richter Scale is ten times bigger than an earthquake measuring 4.0. Scientists have recently begun using a newer, more specific scale to measure earthquakes called the Moment Magnitude Scale (MMS).
Predicting Earthquakes?Can animals really predict earthquakes? Watch the short documentaries below and decide for yourself.