Things I Like
Open HandI currently serve on the board of directors for Open Hand, which is a non-profit organization that provides micro loans for entrepreneurs in Haiti. The goal is to provide some money to help people start businesses so they can create a steady flow of income and avoid modern day slavery for themselves and their family members. Open hand is also involved in providing shoes for kids in Burundi.
Lighthouse Care CentersI had the opportunity to spend two different summers volunteering in Swaziland. The organization I was with helps this struggling country in many ways. They take care of orphans, help drug addicts and help train people to be able to get jobs, just to mention a few things. You can visit their website to find out more about Lighthouse Care Centers.
Operation Christmas ChildOperation Christmas child is a chance for people who have lots of stuff and opportunities to give back to kids around the world who have nothing. Without a gift from Operation Christmas child, these kids would receive nothing on Christmas day. I know at Christmas time I'm always thinking about getting all kinds of expensive gifts like iPads, computers or even a fancy new phone. Kids around the world would be thrilled with a few toys or even some cool school supplies. My wife and I participate in this program each year. To learn about how to pack a shoe box click here. Please carefully follow the instructions and enjoy your gift giving experience.
Camp KerussoI have worked at Camp Kerusso for several years now and it has been an incredible summer camp experience. I will be back at Camp Kerusso in the summer of 2014! You can find out more at Below are the camp promo videos from the past 2 years.