Flood Control
S5E1 Students will identify surface features of the Earth caused by constructive and destructive processes.
c. Relate the role of technology and human intervention in the control of constructive and destructive processes.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
c. Relate the role of technology and human intervention in the control of constructive and destructive processes.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Flood control (dams, levees, storm drain management, etc.)
DamsDams help control the flow of water down major rivers. That flow of water is then turned into electricity. The Tennessee Valley Authority, which was created as part of FDR's New Deal, built many dams in the Southeastern U.S. They still are a major source of hydro-electric power today. You can explore their site to learn more about dams, hydro-electricity and flood prevention.
Natural Disasters Prevention SimulationCheck out www.stopdisastersgame.org for a simulation on disaster prevention. You will be put in charge of a small town and will be given the task of trying to keep your town safe from a flood, hurricane, tsunami, earthquake or wild fire. You can also learn all about prevention techniques such as drainage systems and various types of levees.
LeveesLevees are designed to control the flow of water. Unlike dams, they do not block a river. Instead they make the sides of the river taller to prevent flood damage to nearby cities, houses and businesses.
Storm Drain ManagementHeavy rainfall can also lead to large amounts of water running through the city's storm drain system. As more and more people live in cities, pollution becomes a bigger and bigger problem.